Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dentist in Dubai

In Dubai you get your cleaning done by the actual dentist, instead of a hygienist, as I'm accustomed to in the US. Needless to say I was pretty excited to see about this, it would be like Michelle Obama teaching intro to US civics or something... Alas, the facility was very nice, but my dentist, we shall call her Helga, was not a gentle person. We had polite introductions, why are you here, etc. the form I'd just filled out asked for my "chief complaint" and I wrote "6 month cleaning." I think Helga was accustomed to there being an acute problem more than the reason for my visit being that, "I drink coffee." So away we go, she examines and tells me my teeth are just fine. Great!... I sit back and get comfy and then she rips my mouth up! I'm kind if giggling nervously, but this cleaning is truly torturous, what people who don't like dental cleanings must have gone through or imagine the dentist to be like... Scraping, poking, hurting me with sharp tools. She's holding my head down with her elbow, which is resting in my eye, and her cushy chest is the other force holding me in place... Interesting technique?... Not something they currently teach in the dental programs at the community college I recently worked at. No, I can't remember this being part of the "posture-dontics" materials we offered in the library... Now. Infection control. I felt like she needed to cram a sanitary napkin in my mouth because my gums are having "that time of month," truly disgusting. I'm not freaked out by blood any more than any other rational person, but her tools were bloody, her gloves in my face were bloody, my saliva was mostly blood... On to the next, as all things end that are not any fun, she puts a little paper dental cloth with a hole in it over my face.. goody! Something to really remember.., did we have a "safe word?" Shit, I forgot it. She tells me it's to protect my face from the spray of the polish, which is trickling down my neck and into my shirt by the time she is finished. 20-30 minutes for the entire cleaning and she sends me on my way... I do get a discount though, because my teeth were so clean to begin with... (400AED, $100) Now to the pharmacy, to see which toothpaste can get the blood stains off my teeth.