Saturday, July 11, 2020

Emirates Natural History Group, Al Ain Chapter and Information Literacy Network of the GCC

In March 2020 we all scrapped our calendars and invented a new format for our days. Hopefully most of us were safe and sound, I'm sorry for friends, family, and other readers that experienced personal or professional loss. Especially those in NYC who were feeling trapped and scared, or folks like my parents who are still feeling isolated and don't know when they can return to a free lifestyle. We can only hope that people will find ways to stay safe and earn a living.
In Dubai we have had relatively low numbers compared to the region and the world. There are very strict rules in place and they have been effective to keep the general population out of trouble. I have found it quite interesting to move my "Library Instruction" sessions online, to LibGuides, video tutorials, screenshare meetings with students, or visits to the online classroom.
Professionally, the Information Literacy Network of the Gulf Cooperation Council (ILN GCC) has perhaps become more engaging to the librarians of the Gulf region by moving events to Zoom instead of in-person. Although my Professional Development Chair partner, Asmaa Asim and I had been plotting and planning the April 2020 Spring Symposium for over 8 months, we were invigorated to find the interest of our ILN GCC members were just as strong, perhaps more interested, to attend online, since we were all working at home anyway. The flexibility produced several hour-long sessions that enlightened us about Maker Spaces at our neighbors libraries, and new tools and tricks such as Pear Deck. The communication among colleagues has saved our sanity! My term as the Chair of the ILN GCC will soon end, but watch for more events announced on the blog, join the list-serv to stay in touch:
Another cool organization, that I am happy to become a part of recently, is the Emirates Natural History Group, Al Ain Chapter. This group formed over 40 years ago and has been providing educational programming for expats and locals over the many years, with hikes, lectures, and opportunities to learn about the environment of the UAE. The lectures are now open to everyone, all around the world. Check the Instagram page to find out how to register for these events: