Saturday, September 13, 2014

Da'Beach in Dubai

Wherever you are in the city of Dubai, you are not far from the beach. The coastline runs along the entire city, some of it is private access for hotels and such. But the open beach is pretty nice and you only have to pay a few dirhams for parking.
On the drive there, I saw an Oreo cookie truck!
You can rent umbrellas and stuff.
"There is always money in the banana stand"(Arrested Development) I was cooked after 30 minutes, so it's alright that I could only come up with a few coins for the parking meter.
The view is nice and now I've been swimming in the warm waters of the Arab Gulf. Lovely, relaxing weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting a blog diary about your time in Dubai. Really cool to read about it! I've enjoyed the Facebook posts, but this is even better. I hope you have a continuing educational and enjoyable time there. Keep posting! :-)
