Saturday, April 11, 2015

Frozen coffee season in Dubai

I had a lovely morning, starting with an excellent iced mocha, an invigorating walk, I acquired some much needed new work clothes at the Dubai Mall, then strolled the few blocks from the metro back to my place... Why am I so cranky? Oh yeah, I'm cranky because it's very hot.

I usually like the heat but I've found myself not only having a sandstorm in my sinuses, there seems to be some pollen or other allergen material in the air, plus, I am constantly dehydrated.. I don't know if frozen coffee drinks are all that rehydrating, but they are very refreshing and definitely improve my mood- and for the past several days, I've had at least three a day. Since I have started spending a lot of time exploring cafe options, I thought I would share with you all some of the highlights from recent weeks.

Iced mocha at Emirates Towers Lobby Lounge has had the most impressive presentation yet, with a little syrup jar served on the side.
Tim Hortons frozen espresso is the most refreshing,
because it is blended with ice and isn't as overpoweringly
sweet as a frappucino and is only 22 dirhams, which is like $5.
Located on the ground floor of my apartment building,
I can tell Tim Hortons frozen espresso and I
are destined to have a summer fling.
Neither cold, nor coffee, Moroccan tea has really
hit the spot as a refreshing beverage. It is a sweet and minty way
to forget your troubles. It usually has a classy presentation,
even at this touristy little bayside restaurant in the Marina district.
This place makes fresh crepes too, for a really decent price.

You cannot overlook convenience beverages,
when actually working I have a lot of grab and go options,
such as canned coffee and the juices below,
at the Circle K on campus. 

There is usually an interesting selection of cocktails on offer,
each time I see something new-- I wasn't brave enough to try the rose milk. 

Photo of the beach near the Burj al Arab, or the "sailboat hotel." 
There are cool breezes when you are near the water, and when you are in the water, it is like a warm bath. It's easy to get dehydrated at the beach, because you aren't especially hot. If you start getting a wicked headache, you are too late, you need to go inside and start drinking water to turn back to a normal human being. In Dubai you need to drink a lot of water and other drinks to keep your electrolytes in balance. Like the ancient peoples of Arabia, I will be sipping sugary and caffeinated drinks for the foreseeable future because it is now frozen coffee season in Dubai.


  1. I grew up drinking rose milk, but we mixed it and controlled the flavor. It is one of my favorite drinks.

    Glad you're managing the heat (to some degree)!

    1. Oh neat! What do you mix the rose milk with Ami?
