Sunday, May 9, 2021

SNL first global Live Stream on YouTube

Last month I visited my parents in Virginia when St. Vincent was the musical guest of Saturday Night Live, unfortunately we were all asleep before 11:00p.m. and this show starts at 11:30p.m. This live sketch comedy show has been a family favorite for my entire life, mom watched it live before we were born. It was sad to miss an opportunity to watch a full show as it was being performed. 

I was just speaking on the phone to my mom and bro, complaining that I wanted to watch Elon Musk host, but as usual, was going to miss it. We talked about VPN's and such, but I figured I would not be able to see it, so oh well, I'll catch the skits on YouTube later.

Behold! This morning I got a notification that the *first* global livestream was starting on YouTube so I managed to watch as I was getting ready for work! Even better is when SNL was having a commercial break, I heard some nice jazz music instead of commercials. My brother in the US said he didn't want to sit through commercials so he will watch it later too. For the first time, I got the benefit of SNL --LIVE! 

Now, let's hope that we can someday score audience tickets... We've stood in live enough over the years.. Let's see!

Stock up your blessings with Sadqa

Ramadan is here and for non-Muslims in the Muslim world we delicately walk through the holy month. I will occasionally fast for a whole day, or usually a partial day, and join friends for the sunset Iftar meal. Eating a date and sipping water with people feels very refreshing, especially in the warm month of May. This year I was introduced to the giving event of Sadqa. 

Although it's better to give anonymously, posting on a blog which no one reads feels pretty safe! I knew about the Muslim charitable giving called Zakat:

"Zakat is the compulsory giving of a set proportion of one's wealth to charity. It is regarded as a type of worship and of self-purification. Zakat is the third Pillar of Islam."

"Sadaqah or Sadqah (Arabic: صدقة‎, Urdu: صدقہ‎, "charity", "benevolence", plural ṣadaqāt صدقات) in the modern context has come to signify "voluntary charity". According to the Quran, the word means voluntary offering, whose amount is at the will of the "benefactor".

This year I did Sadqa during Ramadan, and although I won't say what my giving was, I feel good about having finally made a contribution after living here so long. I am fairly superstitious and am happy to have been able to participate in something that brings good to the world. I had the encouragement and support of some friends, and am thankful for everything this Ramadan has brought me. I'm especially thankful for the good friends who break the fast with me and invite me into the homes of their families. Because of the kindness I have always experienced from my Muslim friends, I will always look for ways to help people in small or large ways. It is a blessing to feed someone who is hungry, and it makes you feel good. I hope to give Sadqa every Ramadan. 

Eid is near and I wish the very best to the good people who deserve this holiday.