Saturday, May 30, 2015


I finally had my first Turkish bath in Turkey! Done by a real Turkish lady, in a place that has been around since 1481. That isn't very old in 
the scale of Turkish places, but I was in awe of the entire experience. The nice ladies who run this place have all been there since opening.
To start, I walked in the men's baths, and got an eyeful- I always consider myself a "main entrance" kind of gal, but in the hamam world, the ladies section is the alternate entrance at the back...
I found the correct door and walked up these old marble stairs. 

Everything inside is also marble and ornate decor, but I didn't take any pictures, because there's a lot of nakedness.
I got the "pasha package" which is steam, washing, intense rubbing exfoliation, more washing and steaming, then a 20 minute oil massage, which turns you into a wet noodle. The entire thing was about an hour and a half. 190 TL = $72
I got undressed, was given spa panties, awkwardly put them on, then covered in a towel. A lot of this experience, especially if you don't speak Turkish, is like one of those "naked dreams" where you think "what am I doing? What am I supposed to do now?"
Upon entering the communal steam room, the naked bodies of other ladies somehow made me think I wasn't supposed to be uncovered, but Turkish grandma took my towel off me and told me to go lay down, I obeyed, and it was divine. So hot, steamy, and relaxing. A beautiful old place- where you lay on warm marble and stare at the beautiful dome ceiling. Can't find a good picture on the internets, use your imagination.
I followed the lead of other ladies and used the copper bowls to pour warm or cold water over my sweaty body. Sensational.
At just about the right time the lady came in and indicated it was my turn. She was also just wearing panties, whereas at other places, not in Turkey, they wear little shorts and tank tops. This little lady needed my help putting her bra on for the service, I helped, it was all part of the strange dream, which was real.
So she scrubs me down, face to feet. When she pointed for me to get up and go to the sink to rinse, a lot of me was left on the marble slab. The exfoliation took a lot of stuff off that I didn't realize was there... Gross. Good thing she washed away the evidence, from the table and from my body.. Next is the soaping, a full front and back wash that makes you feel like a newborn baby. More gray skin left behind, so icky. Thanks Turkish grandma! She was so pleasant and kind, I was very gracious and thankful for her patience and expertise.
It was indicated we were done for now, so I was to lay there and steamed a little longer. 
Some Russian ladies came in together and were chattering, they realized it was quiet in the room and started whispering to each other. I wanted to say, "it's okay, I don't understand Russian." But didn't break the peace, even though I enjoy eavesdropping on languages I do not comprehend.
 I was getting hot and thirsty now, and thankfully could feel my lingering sinus problem going away. I went and rinsed off again, perfect timing, Turkish granny came to get me and gave me a bottle of water. We all sat together, me in only a towel, drinking water, the bath attendants/masseuses talking about the gal who just came in, they seemed not to like her.
Then I was taken upstairs to get my massage, which really wasn't necessary, because I was completely relaxed. But it gave my muscles a little extra relaxation, and my skin is now glowing fresh with mineral oil. Selfie inside my little changing room. 

I saw these great pictures and graffiti on my way out the door, to the back alley. 

Paris Hilton plays the lute there on Friday evenings.
What a great time. During this trip I'm planning to go to another historic hamam that was recommended to me. At what point have you been over-exfoliated? 

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