Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Museum of Energy- totally electrifying

Istanbul Bilgi University Santral Campus is the site of the first power plant of the Ottoman Empire. It was operating from 1914-1983, and in 2004 the property and facility was donated to the university. They use this grant now as a center for education, culture and arts. The tour of the engine house and energy mechanism was unique and interesting, but my favorite part was playing with the science- museum exhibits. 

The director of the university library said the campus has gone from electrifying the city, to electrifying the intellect.
Afterward we had a lovely sunset boat tour around the Golden Horn peninsula. There were hor d'ouvres, cocktails, and interesting people to meet; I finally tried the anise flavored drink raki. 
I'm looking forward to the next events  of this IFLA Presidents Meeting.


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