Monday, June 1, 2015

Eclair Affair

When walking by a pastry shop with time on your hands and lira in your pocket, I dare you not to gaze into the sweet abyss. My reasoning for partaking in a treat right after breakfast is that baklava will help me gain energy needed for all the tourist wandering I'm doing in Istanbul... Honey and nuts are like granola right? Hiking food.
That baklava was tender and delicious, the other is a mini chocolate-filled, chocolate-covered eclair. Each have a dusting of chopped pistachios.

This presentation of Turkish coffee was new to me. The pink drink is pomegranate water, it seemed to be a palate clenser. The clear drink is moonshine- just kidding, it's water. Last, but not least, a piece of chocolate covered Turkish delight, or lokum. Lokum is chewy gel texture candy, flavored with various fruit, mint or rose water. I love it- I've enjoyed everything I've tried in Istanbul so far, a city that's easy to enjoy. Check out Faruk Gulluoglu if you are near Bilgi University, Dolapdere.

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