Saturday, February 6, 2021

Expo 2020 Sustainability Pavilion Premier

 The first world Expo was held in London in 1851. Since then there have been over 35 of these events, sometimes called Expo, World Exposition, Great Exhibition, or World's Fair. It is an exhibit from nations all over the world, convening in one place to see and be seen. 

The United Arab Emirates intended to host Expo in Dubai in 2020, instead we will host in 2021. The premier is beginning now, with the Sustainability Pavilion open, and tickets available from the Expo website: Tickets are 25 AED for people under 60, about $7, and free for people above 60 years old.

"Terra" is the name of the Sustainability Pavilion and the cool Earth-themed exhibit halls were a blend of innovative marvels and learning experiences. Sharing a few snapshots to give a hint of what to expect.


Outside the Sustainability Pavilion.

pictured left to right: me, David Hirsch, national service volunteer, Expo employee Suhaila (Zayed University Environmental Science alumni) and another Expo employee.

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