Sunday, March 22, 2015

Pink Flamingos in Dubai

I recently finished the latest John Waters book titled Carsick, and remembered that I need to post about the flamingos in Dubai...
Divine, nicked from IMDB.
When I first saw these magnificent birds, I just couldn't believe my eyes-- but after driving by these tropical beauties everyday, on the way home every day, sadly they became just part of the landscape.
View from the parking lot.
View from the parking lot, you can see hundreds of birds in the background.

Nevertheless, to stop and see them up close by using a special "flamingo blind" so as to not scare these creatures away as you look at them is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
You walk out in this covered pathway, or "blind," to get a great view of the flamingo action.

Here are photos from a day a few weeks ago when I stopped at gazed upon these marvelous creatures.
Hundreds of birds here, thousand in the Dubai Creek area.

Panoramic view from inside the blind.
Zoom shot of the flock.
And right across the highway is the Dubai skyline. Another reason why Dubai is a magical place.

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