Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Pronto Italia

Next week my mom and I will meet up in Rome for a tour around the country, up to Venice and Florence, then down to Naples. A driving tour, where we plan to eat and shop our way around the country. Mom has never been, although this trip was first planned in 2019, for spring 2020. The hotels in Florence and Naples were rebooked, using vouchers. I just checked the weather and it looks great! Temperatures around 50-60 F / 10-15 C. Mom and I have our PCR swab tests scheduled. She is paying $175 for her quick test, whereas mine in the UAE costs only 150 AED/ $40. People in Dubai complain that ours is too expensive. I hope we will be able to eat, drink, and stay sante. (Healthy) Stay tuned for updates next week!
Shown in the picture is Erik and me having drinks in Venice. I am having an affagado espresso and he is having an Aperol Spritz. A Spritz is an Italian wine-based cocktail, commonly served as an aperitif in Northeast Italy. It consists of prosecco, digestive bitters and soda water.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Map of Visited Countries

 I have recently distributed a couple of my coveted maps, the world surf map, to a Humanities professor who has surfed all over the world, and I gave my world map to a favorite student who has always enjoyed chatting about travel and world events. Intersting, the map has Israel censored with white out, that country is now welcome to the UAE. It made me realized I would like to update my travel map, presented below is one of the tools that shows visited countries. is pretty cool. Nice way to reflect on experiences, and dream of new places to go.

The format is a little wonky, but you get the picture.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Post Trump Stress Disorder the new PTSD

I would tweet this, ironically, but I left all social media as a resolution for the new year. Only my blog left to share my voice with the world, these important and very deep thoughts... 
Image from the Guardian newspaper

I am lucky enough to have a handful of friends and family in their 60's and 70's who have progressive liberal ways of thinking, so I tend to become a liberal granny by osmosis... TWICE in the past week my mom, and then my friend Vicky, told me they are still recovering for what Trump did. I feel like they are discussing a personal attack, but they are referring to the reign of his presidency and the aftermath the world is dealing with. I will call this PTSD, referring to the T word, Trump. I was listening to each of these ladies on a phone call and I realized the venom that was being espoused was not for a property vandal or a current politician, but the legacy of Trump which lives on. Perhaps they need to "live in the now" or maybe I don't read enough news to be angry, but I'm concerned for the health of well-informed older people. I would like to find a solution to help my people overcome the trauma of the Trump era.

As Obama had to answer for the Bush legacy, Biden is dealing with disasters started by Trump, such as the plan for an abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan. Who stands to benefit from this disaster? 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wellness at Yoga House

 I love the recent music video for Solar Power where Lorde takes a satirical jab at wellness gurus, it's a groovy song and I love this mellow album. That said, I am a bit embarrassed that I regularly read Goop and have been participating in yoga for exercise, nearly religiously lately. I figure this blog post is to inform my readers and passers-by that Yoga House in Dubai is open for business and it's a fantastic experience. I was hesitant, but since myself and most people in Dubai now are vaccinated and boosted, we can probably exercise safely again. Masks are required everywhere, but you can take them off once safely distanced on the mats.

in the posh locker room

Business Bay area, Hilton is neighbors
with the iconic JW Marriott Marquis

Lobby of Hilton al Habtoor,
host of Yoga House in Business Bay

Let me tell you about this good intro deal, at the time of writing, for 550 AED you can get a 10 class package good at any of the three locations, or you can participate online. I prefer the Hilton Al Habtoor location, it has a luxurious ambiance. Full access to the hot tub, sauna, and jacuzzi. Let's get back to ommmmmmmm!

Link to Yoga House

Sunday, May 9, 2021

SNL first global Live Stream on YouTube

Last month I visited my parents in Virginia when St. Vincent was the musical guest of Saturday Night Live, unfortunately we were all asleep before 11:00p.m. and this show starts at 11:30p.m. This live sketch comedy show has been a family favorite for my entire life, mom watched it live before we were born. It was sad to miss an opportunity to watch a full show as it was being performed. 

I was just speaking on the phone to my mom and bro, complaining that I wanted to watch Elon Musk host, but as usual, was going to miss it. We talked about VPN's and such, but I figured I would not be able to see it, so oh well, I'll catch the skits on YouTube later.

Behold! This morning I got a notification that the *first* global livestream was starting on YouTube so I managed to watch as I was getting ready for work! Even better is when SNL was having a commercial break, I heard some nice jazz music instead of commercials. My brother in the US said he didn't want to sit through commercials so he will watch it later too. For the first time, I got the benefit of SNL --LIVE! 

Now, let's hope that we can someday score audience tickets... We've stood in live enough over the years.. Let's see!

Stock up your blessings with Sadqa

Ramadan is here and for non-Muslims in the Muslim world we delicately walk through the holy month. I will occasionally fast for a whole day, or usually a partial day, and join friends for the sunset Iftar meal. Eating a date and sipping water with people feels very refreshing, especially in the warm month of May. This year I was introduced to the giving event of Sadqa. 

Although it's better to give anonymously, posting on a blog which no one reads feels pretty safe! I knew about the Muslim charitable giving called Zakat:

"Zakat is the compulsory giving of a set proportion of one's wealth to charity. It is regarded as a type of worship and of self-purification. Zakat is the third Pillar of Islam."

"Sadaqah or Sadqah (Arabic: صدقة‎, Urdu: صدقہ‎, "charity", "benevolence", plural ṣadaqāt صدقات) in the modern context has come to signify "voluntary charity". According to the Quran, the word means voluntary offering, whose amount is at the will of the "benefactor".

This year I did Sadqa during Ramadan, and although I won't say what my giving was, I feel good about having finally made a contribution after living here so long. I am fairly superstitious and am happy to have been able to participate in something that brings good to the world. I had the encouragement and support of some friends, and am thankful for everything this Ramadan has brought me. I'm especially thankful for the good friends who break the fast with me and invite me into the homes of their families. Because of the kindness I have always experienced from my Muslim friends, I will always look for ways to help people in small or large ways. It is a blessing to feed someone who is hungry, and it makes you feel good. I hope to give Sadqa every Ramadan. 

Eid is near and I wish the very best to the good people who deserve this holiday.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Jameel Arts Center Dubai

 I visited the Jameel on Saturday to see my friends exhibit near the library, very cool graphic novels on display. Mostly Arabic language, impressive array, and beautifully illustrated. I always love the Jameel and this visit was just as interesting.

I saw an exhibit that seemed like a forthcoming coffee table book about data, media, privacy, or some combination. Will buy the book and see what it is in print form..."Age of You" is the exhibit title, "The Extreme Self" is the book title. 

I will need to return because I had just entered the first floor where Iraqi artist Hiwa K. has a multimedia exhibit, but it was closing time. I have a lot of interest in Sulaymaniyah Iraq, where this artist has connections, there is the American University of Sulaymaniyah, which I hear is a great place.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Expo 2020 Sustainability Pavilion Premier

 The first world Expo was held in London in 1851. Since then there have been over 35 of these events, sometimes called Expo, World Exposition, Great Exhibition, or World's Fair. It is an exhibit from nations all over the world, convening in one place to see and be seen. 

The United Arab Emirates intended to host Expo in Dubai in 2020, instead we will host in 2021. The premier is beginning now, with the Sustainability Pavilion open, and tickets available from the Expo website: Tickets are 25 AED for people under 60, about $7, and free for people above 60 years old.

"Terra" is the name of the Sustainability Pavilion and the cool Earth-themed exhibit halls were a blend of innovative marvels and learning experiences. Sharing a few snapshots to give a hint of what to expect.


Outside the Sustainability Pavilion.

pictured left to right: me, David Hirsch, national service volunteer, Expo employee Suhaila (Zayed University Environmental Science alumni) and another Expo employee.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Guest lecture on Information Literacy for Annai Fathima College of Arts and Science, Faculty Development Program

Information literacy is important for today’s learners, it promotes problem solving approaches and critical thinking skills. Creative problem solving is essential to life-long learning, being able to ask questions and seek answers on their own is key to student development. To independently find information, form opinions, evaluate sources, and make decisions will create successful learners, effective contributors, confident individuals, and responsible citizens. Ultimately students need to be able to identify what is real and relevant not just for classroom learning, but for everyday life and work.

Join librarian Melanie Wood for a 30-minute session on integrating Information Literacy skills into your classroom teaching and assignments. Melanie has been a librarian at the public library, community college, and university for over 20 years. She enjoys sharing her curiosity with others and will give you new ways to develop in your students a desire for seeking accurate information.

Register via Zoom to join us on Saturday February 20, at 11:30a.m.-12:00p.m. IST

You are invited to a Zoom webinar. 

When: Feb 20, 2021 11:30 AM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi 

Topic: Guest lecture on Information Literacy for AFC faculty

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
